Litter & Recycling Bins
Safe Fence have a range of secure litter bins depending on your needs – this includes standard waste bins, dog, falcon and merlin bins. We also have wheelie bins in a variety of sizes for domestic and commercial waste and safe box grit bins for public spaces.
Featured Products
- Stainless Steel Public Recycling BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Public Litter Bin - Litter & Dog WasteQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Outdoor Freestanding Smoking BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Wall Mounted Smoking BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Vertical Fixed Smoking Litter BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Enclosed Steel Litter BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Ashtray Litter BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Hardwood Elevated Litter BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Hardwood Litter BinQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Stainless Steel Litter BinQuick 5 Day Delivery